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NRAP Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels

1.1 Biodiversity Advisory Service

  • Action - The Council currently considers biodiversity in a wide range of functions, including through implementing the policies of the LDP when making decisions through the development management process and as part of the SuDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) Approving Body.
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - All advice recorded in the spreadsheet followed
  • Milestone year 4 - All advice recorded in the spreadsheet followed
  • Milestone year 5 - All advice recorded in the spreadsheet followed
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 6

1.2 Service Assessment

  • Action - All services to be risk assessed to determine their potential impact on biodiversity and opportunities for best practice. Training provided as appropriate.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Standard reports by the C&WT for each service.
  • Milestone year 3 - Service assessments ongoing
  • Milestone year 4 - Service assessments ongoing
  • Milestone year 5 - Service assessments completed
  • NRAP Objectives - 1

1.3 C&WT Early Engagement

  • Action - The C&WT are regularly consulted by other service areas and give appropriate advice and services.
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Consultancy Spreadsheet /PASTA (time recording database)
  • Milestone year 3 - Retain internal consultancy function and continue to provide early advice to service areas throughout the Authority. All advice followed.
  • Milestone year 4 - Retain internal consultancy function and continue to provide early advice to service areas throughout the Authority. All advice followed.
  • Milestone year 5 - Retain internal consultancy function and continue to provide early advice to service areas throughout the Authority. All advice followed.
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1.4 Decision Making Process

  • Action - The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) that accompanies all committee reports which require a decision, includes an assessment of the impact on biodiversity in line with the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Standard section in committee reports
  • Milestone year 3 - All committee reports which require a decision, to contain a report on outcomes of the impact assessment
  • Milestone year 4 - All committee reports which require a decision, to contain a report on outcomes of the impact assessment
  • Milestone year 5 - All committee reports which require a decision, to contain a report on outcomes of the impact assessment
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1.5 Training

  • Action - Opportunities are taken to integrate biodiversity into any Elected Member or officer training (where appropriate) being delivered to raise awareness of S6 Duty / Biodiversity.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Attendance at training
  • Milestone year 3 - Investigate training options
  • Milestone year 4 - Deliver training
  • Milestone year 5 - Deliver training
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 6

1.6 Biodiversity SPG

  • Action - Implement the Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) in line with LDP policies
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - Implement SPG
  • Milestone year 4 - Implement SPG
  • Milestone year 5 - Implement SPG
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1.7 Well-being Process

  • Action - Deliver against ‘Shaping NPT, the Council Corporate Plan’s Improvement Priority 3.5; protect, conserve and enhance our natural environment and increasing awareness of its value and encouraging wider participation. Support delivery of the Green Infrastructure Cross Cutting Objective of the Public Service Board’s Well-being Plan.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Via the Corporate Plan and PSB annual reports.
  • Milestone year 3 - As required by the Corporate Plan and PSB reporting mechanisms
  • Milestone year 4 - As required by the Corporate Plan and PSB reporting mechanisms
  • Milestone year 5 - As required by the Corporate Plan and PSB reporting mechanisms
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1.8 New Council Strategies

  • Action - C&WT to collaborate where appropriate with other sections to aid in the development of strategies or plans that contribute towards biodiversity conservation, and respond to consultations and reviews of existing plans.
  • Reporting Mechanism - BDP Reporting Spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - N/A
  • Milestone year 4 - N/A
  • Milestone year 5 - N/A
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

NRAP Objective 2: Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management

2.1 Development Management Process

  • Action - NPTC currently consider biodiversity (including species and habitats of principal importance, designated sites, sites of importance for nature conservation (SINC), habitats and species that meet the SINC criteria, and important natural features) through the development management process, in line with the Local Development Plan. Losses of protected/priority habitat/species (where known) are recorded
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - No net loss and, where possible, net gain of S7 and SINC habitats/species through the planning process. No net loss of habitat / species that are designating features of a site
  • Milestone year 4 - No net loss and, where possible, net gain of S7 and SINC habitats/species through the planning process. No net loss of habitat / species that are designating features of a site
  • Milestone year 5 - No net loss and, where possible, net gain of S7 and SINC habitats/species through the planning process. No net loss of habitat / species that are designating features of a site
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2.2 NPT Nature Partnership

  • Action - The Council will support the NPT Nature Partnership in developing and implementing the NPT Nature Recovery Action Plan.  The Action Plan is a key mechanism for species and habitat conservation in the County.
  • Reporting Mechanism - A plan will be in place and actions will be recorded and published.
  • Milestone year 3 - Timescale and Process will be agreed with the Nature Partnership.
  • Milestone year 4 - TBC
  • Milestone year 5 - TBC
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2.3 Awareness Raising

  • Action - The C&WT raise awareness of biodiversity through a variety of methods; training, public engagement (walks/talks), interpretation panels, leaflets, web pages, social media.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Project delivery and ongoing upkeep of the NPTC web pages and NPT Wildlife Facebook page
  • Milestone year 3 - 2 awareness raising projects per year and year on year increase in followers on the Facebook page
  • Milestone year 4 - 2 awareness raising projects per year and year on year increase in followers on the Facebook page
  • Milestone year 5 - 2 awareness raising projects per year and year on year increase in followers on the Facebook page
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 6

2.4 Biodiversity Audit

  • Action -

    Undertake a biodiversity audit on land within our ownership and control, to identify where we have protected/S7 habitats and species on our land. Priority will then be given to those areas / sites where protected Section 7 habitats / species have been identified which offer the greatest benefit to biodiversity, considering one of the following options:

    • 1) The status quo – with no further action being taken.

    • 2) Be brought into appropriate management for the benefit of biodiversity. This may be through:

      The Authority and, where necessary, suitable revenue sources can be secured by way of external funding to support and manage the identified sites.

      Lease to external parties.

      NB Any notional financial loss to the Authority needs to be reported and agreed before any lease is granted.

    • 3) Any future disposal of a site will include relevant information from the audit so that the purchaser / tenant can comply with the relevant requirements.

    • 4) In advance of undertaking any works and / or any material changes in land use on sites owned and controlled by the Authority, it will take into consideration the findings of the audit, taking steps to conserve and where possible enhance the biodiversity value

  • Reporting Mechanism - First report will be results of audit
  • Milestone year 3 - Assessment ongoing
  • Milestone year 4 - Advice provided as part of assessment followed
  • Milestone year 5 - Ongoing communications. Advice followed.
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2.5 National Guidance

  • Action - Implement any national/regional guidance on enhancing biodiversity and ecosystems resilience through the planning system. Any new guidance will be taken into account and integrated into the system
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - All national/regional guidance to be integrated into the planning system within 3 months of its release
  • Milestone year 4 - All national/regional guidance to be integrated into the planning system within 3 months of its release
  • Milestone year 5 - All national/regional guidance to be integrated into the planning system within 3 months of its release
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2.6 Funding

  • Action - Apply for funding as opportunities arise, to continue to deliver on Working with Nature, for biodiversity, or as part of strategic, multi-functional projects delivering multiple benefits.
  • Reporting Mechanism - As funding requirements
  • Milestone year 3 - As opportunities arise
  • Milestone year 4 - As opportunities arise
  • Milestone year 5 - As opportunities arise
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

NRAP Objective 3: Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation

3.1 Current Management

  • Action - NPTC areas are being managed for biodiversity and to ensure their resilience.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Extent of area under management reported through the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) within the Corporate Plan.
  • Milestone year 3 - Agree an amended KPI as part of the Corporate Plan.
  • Milestone year 4 - As set by the KPI
  • Milestone year 5 - As set by the KPI
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3.2 Habitat Management through Development Management

  • Action - Through the development management process habitat management plans are put in place increasing the resilience of our natural environment and improving the management of S7 habitats
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - Appropriate assessments of ecosystems resilience submitted through the planning process and appropriate measures to deliver improvements taken
  • Milestone year 4 - Appropriate assessments of ecosystems resilience submitted through the planning process and appropriate measures to deliver improvements taken
  • Milestone year 5 - Appropriate assessments of ecosystems resilience submitted through the planning process and appropriate measures to deliver improvements taken
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3.3 Coed Cymru

  • Action - NPTC are key partners in the Coed Cymru initiative, Wales’ foremost woodland organisation. Coed Cymru aims to improve the condition of Welsh woodland and integrate new woodlands into the landscape, through the provision of advice, support, innovation and access to grant aid. They bring research about the role of trees in flooding, soils and water, agricultural productivity and wider ecosystem services into practice
  • Reporting Mechanism - Annual funding reports
  • Milestone year 3 - As Coed Cymru objectives
  • Milestone year 4 - As Coed Cymru objectives
  • Milestone year 5 - As Coed Cymru objectives
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3.4 Area Statements

  • Action - NPTC will assist NRW in implementing Area Statements as required.
  • Reporting Mechanism - As required
  • Milestone year 3 - As appropriate
  • Milestone year 4 - As appropriate
  • Milestone year 5 - As appropriate
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

3.5 Green Infrastructure Assessment

  • Action - The Council will undertake a Green Infrastructure Assessment (GIA) in line with the requirements of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) for Neath Port Talbot.
  • Reporting Mechanism - LDP Planning Inspectorate and Welsh Government approval as part of the evidence base that will underpin the LDP.
  • Milestone year 3 - Engagement, participation and contribution in partnership with the LDP Team to produce a GIA for the Authority.
  • Milestone year 4 - Engagement, participation and contribution in partnership with the LDP Team to produce a GIA for the Authority.
  • Milestone year 5 - GIA complete
  • NRAP Objectives - 3, 4, 5

NRAP Objective 4: Tackle key pressures on species and habitats

4.1 Invasive non-native species (INNS)

  • Action - A proactive approach is taken to dealing with INNS including Development Management Process and treatment on Council land.
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet and BDP Spreadsheet.
  • Milestone year 3 - As appropriate
  • Milestone year 4 - As appropriate
  • Milestone year 5 - As appropriate
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6

4.2 Air quality

  • Action - The air quality implications of plans and projects are fully assessed for their potential effects on sensitive habitats and species through the HRA process
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet 
  • Milestone year 3 - All development proposals assessed as appropriate
  • Milestone year 4 - All development proposals assessed as appropriate
  • Milestone year 5 - All development proposals assessed as appropriate
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

4.3 State of Natural Resources Report (SONARR)

  • Action - Collate all of the local information and identify local pressures, including SoNaRR, a NPT State of Nature Report, the Green Infrastructure Assessment and Area Statement evidence.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Report on local pressures identified.
  • Milestone year 3 - Agree mechanism for reporting
  • Milestone year 4 - TBC
  • Milestone year 5 - TBC
  • NRAP Objectives - 4

NRAP Objective 5: Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring

5.1 Data capture

  • Action - NPT uses a range of data capture tools and techniques. This has led to a large number of species records which are passed on to the Local Records Centre and, therefore, shared with the wider community
  • Reporting Mechanism - Metadata from MapMate
  • Milestone year 3 - Maintenance of the MapMate database and Biodiversity GIS layers.
  • Milestone year 4 - Maintenance of the MapMate database and Biodiversity GIS layers.
  • Milestone year 5 - Maintenance of the MapMate database and Biodiversity GIS layers.
  • NRAP Objectives - 2, 4, 5

5.2 Sites of importance for nature conservation

  • Action -

    NPTC have a programme of identifying sites that qualify as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). This allows us to assess the quality of a site against national guidelines and each site will be reviewed within 10 years.

    We will continue with a programme of, on average, 10% of SINCs being reviewed annually and GIS layer updated and shared with SEWBReC.
  • Reporting Mechanism - Annual SINC report produced
  • Milestone year 3 - Carry out a review of all SINCs that are scheduled for review this year. Undertake SINC surveys on new sites as necessary, designating where appropriate. 
  • Milestone year 4 - Carry out a review of all SINCs that are scheduled for review this year. Undertake SINC surveys on new sites as necessary, designating where appropriate. 
  • Milestone year 5 - Carry out a review of all SINCs that are scheduled for review this year. Undertake SINC surveys on new sites as necessary, designating where appropriate. 
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

5.3 Surveys

  • Action - NPTC provides secretariat for the NPT Nature Partnership which includes a number of specialist surveyors and SEWBReC. We utilise this expertise by organising surveys for targeted sites and species
  • Reporting Mechanism - Evidence based report by C&WT
  • Milestone year 3 - Work with the Local Nature Partnership to take forward specialist surveys where most appropriate
  • Milestone year 4 - Work with the Local Nature Partnership to take forward specialist surveys where most appropriate
  • Milestone year 5 - Work with the Local Nature Partnership to take forward specialist surveys where most appropriate
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

5.4 Record Centre Searches

  • Action - All planning applications containing biodiversity information must be accompanied by a SEWBReC search undertaken by/on behalf of the applicant, unless agreement is reached with the C&WT that sufficient justification exists to negate this need
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - All biodiversity information contained in a planning application must be accompanied by a SEWBReC search, unless agreed otherwise
  • Milestone year 4 - All biodiversity information contained in a planning application must be accompanied by a SEWBReC search, unless agreed otherwise
  • Milestone year 5 - All biodiversity information contained in a planning application must be accompanied by a SEWBReC search, unless agreed otherwise
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

5.5 Biodiversity Compensation Scheme

  • Action - Implement the compensation scheme as set out in the Biodiversity SPG.
  • Reporting Mechanism - C&WT Planning spreadsheet
  • Milestone year 3 - Implement SPG via the development management process
  • Milestone year 4 - Implement SPG via the development management process
  • Milestone year 5 - Implement SPG via the development management process
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

5.6 Resilient Wales Goal

  • Action - Contribute data towards the Wales biodiversity indicators for the Resilient Wales goal of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
  • Reporting Mechanism - Responses
  • Milestone year 3 - As required
  • Milestone year 4 - As required
  • Milestone year 5 - As required
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 5, 6

5.7 Biodiversity Plan Evidence

  • Action - Evidence to be collected to ensure compliance with this plan
  • Reporting Mechanism - All reporting to be gathered and collated to report on this plan
  • Milestone year 3 - Ongoing
  • Milestone year 4 - Ongoing
  • Milestone year 5 - Ongoing
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

NRAP Objective 6: Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery

6.1 Countryside and Wildlife Team Resources

  • Action - There is currently enough skills and capacity in the C&WT to co-ordinate the work needed to comply with the legislation, however sustaining this in the long term will be a challenge given budgetary pressures
  • Reporting Mechanism - The duty report
  • Milestone year 3 - Maintain current core staff levels and retain / employ additional project staff to deliver grant funded projects as and when funding becomes available.
  • Milestone year 4 - Maintain current core staff levels and retain / employ additional project staff to deliver grant funded projects as and when funding becomes available.
  • Milestone year 5 - Maintain current core staff levels and retain / employ additional project staff to deliver grant funded projects as and when funding becomes available.
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

6.2 NPT Local Nature Partnership

  • Action - Continue to support the NPT Local Nature Partnership, providing the secretariat, steering the objectives and collating information on member activities through the C&WT
  • Reporting Mechanism - Partnership minutes
  • Milestone year 3 - Continue to provide secretariat for the NPT Local Nature Partnership
  • Milestone year 4 - Continue to provide secretariat for the NPT Local Nature Partnership
  • Milestone year 5 - Continue to provide secretariat for the NPT Local Nature Partnership
  • NRAP Objectives - 6

6.3 Biodiversity Champion

  • Action - A NPTC Councillor is appointed Biodiversity Champion and attends events/meetings as appropriate
  • Reporting Mechanism - Attendance at regular meetings
  • Milestone year 3 - Continued engagement as appropriate
  • Milestone year 4 - Continued engagement as appropriate
  • Milestone year 5 - Continued engagement as appropriate
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 6

6.4 Nature Recovery Action Plan

  • Action - Through the NPT Nature Plan, maximise opportunities to deliver priorities via volunteers and partners
  • Reporting Mechanism - Awaiting new reporting mechanisms from WG.
  • Milestone year 3 - Delivery of biodiversity conservation as per Nature Action Plan/ LNP Cymru Project. Reporting as per grant requirements
  • Milestone year 4 - Delivery of biodiversity conservation as per Nature Action Plan/ LNP Cymru Project. Reporting as per grant requirements
  • Milestone year 5 - Dependent on future funding
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

6.5 Nature Conservation Sites Scheme

  • Action - Undertake a review of the Nature Conservation Sites scheme to include management of all verges and of key council owned sites.
  • Reporting Mechanism - GIS layer of verges to be managed as conservation verge
  • Milestone year 3 - A working group is underway to develop the new scheme
  • Milestone year 4 - Implement the new scheme 
  • Milestone year 5 - Implement the new scheme
  • NRAP Objectives - 1, 2, 5, 6