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South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA)

Who we are

The South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) is an Agent working on behalf of the Welsh Government Climate Change Division of the Department for Economy, Science and Transport, which is managed under the governance of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.

We are responsible for managing, maintaining and improving the strategic road network in South Wales which includes 900 carriageway kilometres of trunk road and motorway and its associated assets. The Agent area covers virtually all the local authority administrative areas from the Severn Crossings to Pembrokeshire

Where we are

Everybody who works at the SWTRA, from those who design our road projects to those who patrol our roads, play a vital role in helping the Welsh Ministers to deliver on their goals and ambitions for the strategic road network in South Wales.

Our diverse workforce reflects the communities we serve. We foster an inclusive culture by actively supporting our growing employee networks.

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