Early Years Support Team
Meet the Team
We are a team of Early Years (EY) professionals who specialise in working with pre-school children (0-5s). Between us we have a range of experience working in the childcare sector, education and psychology. The team includes:
- The Early Years Additional Learning Needs Lead Officer (EYALNLO), who co-ordinates the Local Authority’s strategic responsibilities for supporting early identification of Additional Learning Needs (ALN) in pre-school children and supports the development of plans for children with severe and complex needs. The role also entails providing ALN awareness raising training and advice in pre-school settings in NPT, in addition to working collaboratively with partner services such as Health and Children’s Services.
- The Early Years Lead Educational Psychologist (EYLEP), whose aim is to support/assess children using a strengths based, individualised and person-centred approach.
- The Early Years Additional Learning Needs Transition Key Worker, who primarily works with pre-school children who have severe and complex needs and require transition support planning and case coordination. The role offers a key link for families and professionals to offer a holistic transition support plan into a school or specialist provision.
What we do
We work closely together to ensure a high quality service, which offers support, strategies and guidance to Early Years’ settings, schools, parents/ carers and all other agencies who are working with children who have emerging or identified Additional Learning Needs (ALN).
How to contact us
You can reach us with any queries through our email address eyaln@npt.gov.uk or by accessing the Early Years Telephone Consultation Helpline for Parents and Carers.
We also have a Facebook page ‘NPT Early Years Additional Learning Needs Service'