Hepgor gwe-lywio

Bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i wella'r wefan hon.

Ffurflenni Cais

Ffurflenni Cais

Trwyddedau Safle

  • Application for the grant of a premises licence (PDF 115 KB)

    m.Id: 10404
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Application for the grant of a premises licence
    mSize: 115 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4283/licensingact_grant_premises.pdf

  • Application to vary a premises licence (PDF 111 KB)

    m.Id: 10405
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Application to vary a premises licence
    mSize: 111 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4284/licensingact_vary_premises.pdf

  • Application for a minor variation to a premises licence (PDF 51 KB)

    m.Id: 10406
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Application for a minor variation to a premises licence
    mSize: 51 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4285/licensingact_minor_variation.pdf

  • Application for the variation of the designated premises supervisor (PDF 100 KB)

    m.Id: 10407
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Application for the variation of the designated premises supervisor
    mSize: 100 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4286/licensingact_vary_dps.pdf

  • DPS consent form (to accompany variation of DPS application) (PDF 45 KB)

    m.Id: 10408
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: DPS consent form (to accompany variation of DPS application)
    mSize: 45 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4287/licensingact_consent_dps.pdf

  • Application for the transfer of a premises licence (PDF 201 KB)

    m.Id: 10409
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Application for the transfer of a premises licence
    mSize: 201 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4288/licensingact_transfer.pdf

  • Transfer consent form (to accompany transfer application) (PDF 26 KB)

    m.Id: 10398
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Transfer consent form (to accompany transfer application)
    mSize: 26 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4277/licensingact_consent_transfer.pdf

  • Format of advert/notice for the grant of a premises licence (PDF 17 KB)

    m.Id: 10400
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Format of advert/notice for the grant of a premises licence
    mSize: 17 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4279/licensingact_advert_grant_prem_club.pdf

  • Format of public notice for a minor variation (PDF 19 KB)

    m.Id: 10401
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Format of public notice for a minor variation
    mSize: 19 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4280/licensing_minorvariation_notice.pdf

  • Format of advert/notice for the variation of a premises licence (PDF 17 KB)

    m.Id: 10402
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: Format of advert/notice for the variation of a premises licence
    mSize: 17 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4281/licensingact_advert_vary_prem_club.pdf

  • List of Responsible Authorities (updated April 2016) (PDF 23 KB)

    m.Id: 10410
    m.ContentType.Alias: nptDocument
    mTitle: List of Responsible Authorities (updated April 2016)
    mSize: 23 KB
    mType: pdf
    m.Url: /media/4289/licensing_responsibleauthorities_mailinglist_amendment.pdf
