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Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (6th July 2023)

Update to the works on Drummau Road

The Phase 2 pipeline works at the top of the Highlands are progressing well and should be completed by mid-August. The traffic management and single lane closure will be removed at this time.

Work on the temporary service road off Drummau Road and additional finishing works will be undertaken in the next few weeks, we anticipate this will be finished by mid-September. We are not expecting to have to restrict access for these works to be completed and anticipate minimal disruption. We will contact any affected residents directly and we will update you on the progress in the next briefing. We will continue to progress works as quickly as we can, which may include some weekend working. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 3 August 2023.

Community Liaison

Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (11 May 2023)

Update to the works on Drummau Road

Work continues to progress well on the installation of the new underground pipeline and the investigations to locate the services in the road at the top of the Highlands has completed ahead of schedule.

A review of the information from the investigation is currently underway and we will provide a further update to residents on completion of this work in the next residents brief on 7 June. We will continue to keep any residents who may be impacted by works informed by individual letter drops. A single lane closure and traffic management will remain in place along The Highlands to facilitate these works.

We will continue to progress works as quickly as we can, which may include some weekend working. Please note that our teams will not be working over the May Bank holiday weekend on 29 May, this includes the Saturday. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 7 June 2023.

Community Liaison

Melanie will be on annual leave from Monday 29 May and will return on Monday 5 June. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (13 April 2023)

Update to the works on Drummau Road

Work continues to progress well on the installation of the new underground pipeline and has now advanced beyond the junction of Dynevor Road and The Highlands.

Further investigations to locate the services in the road at the top of The Highlands down towards the junction of The Highlands and Dynevor Road commenced as previously advised on the 27 March and will continue until the end of May. A single lane closure and traffic management will remain in place along The Highlands to facilitate these works.

We will continue to progress these works as quickly as we can, which may include some weekend working. Please note that our teams will not be working over the May Bank holiday weekends, 1 and 8 May, this includes the Saturday. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 11 May 2023.

Community Liaison

Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries.

You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (16 March 2023)

Update to the works on Drummau Road

Work is progressing well on the installation of the new underground pipeline along Drummau Road. A single lane closure remains in place on one side of the junction of Drummau Road and Dynevor Road and this will be moved to the other side next week to allow the pipeline to be continued. Traffic lights will remain in place to minimise disruption.

Further investigations to locate the services in the road at top of The Highlands down towards the junction of The Highlands and Dynevor Road, have been delayed to minimise disruption to residents. This work will commence once the installation work across the junction of Dynevor Road and The Highlands is complete. This is expected to be during week commencing 27 March. During this time a single lane closure and traffic management will be in place.

We will progress these works as quickly as we can, which may include some weekend working. Please note that our teams will not be working over the Easter Bank holiday weekend, this includes the Saturday. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum. Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 12 March 2023.

Community Liaison

Melanie will be on annual leave week commencing 3 April and will return on Wednesday 12 April. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (16 February 2023)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

The gate to the compound at 1 Goshen Park has been fitted and work at number 1 Goshen Park is now complete.

Update to the works on Drummau Road

The installation of the new underground pipeline is underway and being completed in small sections along Drummau Road. Work to the service section of Drummau Road will start on Monday 20 February. Our onsite teams and community Liaison Officer, Melanie Beynon have contacted residents to confirm they will still have access to this section of the road and their properties. A single lane closure is in place on the junction of Drummau Road and Dynevor Road, with traffic lights to minimise disruption.

Further investigations to locate the services in the road will take place in the next few weeks. This work will start at top of Drummau Road down towards the junction of the Highlands and Dynevor Road. During this time a single lane closure and traffic management will be in place.

We will progress these works as quickly as we can, which may include some weekend working. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 16 March 2023.

Community Liaison

Next week Melanie will be on annual leave and will return on Monday 27 February. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need
assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (19 January 2023)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

The garage door for number 1 Goshen Park has been fitted and this work is complete. The gate to the compound will be fitted by 15 February.

Update to the works on Drummau Road

The final designs for the installation of the pipeline are complete and this work will recommence from next week 23 January. The alternative route for the pipeline has been agreed with NPT and will be undertaken in small sections along Drummau Road. This will allow us to implement a single lane closure on the junction of Drummau Road and Dynevor Road with traffic lights in place, minimising disruption to residents.

Residents located on the service road on Drummau Road will still have access to their properties and our onsite teams and community Liaison Officer, Melanie Beynon will be speaking with those residents when this work is due to commence.

We will progress these works as quickly as we can, which may include some weekend working. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 16 February 2023.

Community Liaison

Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (25 November 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

The garage roof of number 1 Goshen Park is now complete and the garage door will be installed by 16 December.

Update to the works on the Highlands

Further to our briefing on Friday 18 November about the road closure for The Highlands and diversion along Dynevor Road, we have been working with NPT following feedback about the diversion route. Due to safety concerns for residents and road users the road closure will now not go ahead as planned. This means the work to lay the underground pipeline will be delayed whilst we investigate an alternative route. During this time, our contractors will remain on site to continue with their investigations. Whilst this work is underway, localised traffic management will be in place to minimise disruption and impact on residents. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

We will provide a further update to you once an alternative pipeline route has been confirmed and an agreement is in place for the required traffic management with NPT.

Christmas Arrangements

Our contractors will not be undertaking any works between 22 December 2022 and 2 January 2023. If you have any concerns about the mine water management system throughout the Christmas period, please do call our 24/7 incident hotline 0800 2884242.

Monitoring Boreholes

Work has completed for the drilling of the three additional boreholes that was planned to form part of the integrated monitoring of the mine workings and mine water flows in the Drummau Road area.

These boreholes will allow us to monitor any mine water levels in the different parts of the mine workings to provide further assurance that mine water is free draining and not building up. This work is being undertaken within the farm and woodland so should not cause any disturbance to the community.

Community Liaison

Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries.

You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (14 November 2022)

Advance notice of road closure – The Highlands

As outlined in our Skewen residents update on 27 October, our initial investigation work to identify the location of services in the road was completed on 4 November. The work to lay the pipeline for the mine water management system commenced last week.

We had hoped that we would be able to complete this work with a partial lane closure and intermittent road closure to the Highlands whilst allowing residents occasional access to park their vehicles outside their properties, requesting they be moved when required. Due to essential access required to other services and vehicles obstructing the highways, this hasn’t been possible. Therefore, it is necessary to make a full road closure from week commencing 21 November to 22 December. We are really sorry for the closure but to ensure the safety of the local community, road access to The Highlands must remain closed for the duration of the works. We would ask for your help to ensure that the vehicles are moved from property numbers 24 to 44 so that the planned works in the carriageway can be completed safely and without any further delay.
To reduce the impact of this closure, our contractors, Bentleys, will put in place a local diversion route. We’d encourage you to share this alternative access and diversion information with any delivery drivers or visitors who may usually use this route to access the area over the next few weeks.

We will progress the works as quickly as we can and this will include some weekend working. We will keep you updated and continue to try to keep noise and disruption to a minimum. We will continue to work with Bentleys to enable the road to be re-opened as soon as it is safe to do so.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions or concerns about the work taking place on The Highlands or you would like to receive future Skewen resident briefing updates, please contact our Skewen residents
helpline on 0800 288 4268 or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk. Alternatively you may read the updates when they are published on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (14 October 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

Work has continued on the garage and wall of number 1 Goshen Park which was previously delayed due to BT repositioning their services and this will be completed today. Over the next two weeks we will lay the tarmac for the remaining footway on the corner of Drummau road / Highland close and this will be completed on 28 October.

Works on the Highlands

Work has re-commenced for the initial investigations to identify the location of services which will be finalised on 28 October. During this time temporary traffic management and traffic cones will be in place on the Highlands with restricted areas of parking, those residents affected will be notified by our teams on site. Residents may notice deliveries of materials for the main works over the next 2 weeks. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 27 October 2022.

Monitoring Boreholes

Work has commenced on drilling the three additional boreholes that are planned to form part of the integrated monitoring of the mine workings and mine water flows in the Drummau Road area. These boreholes will allow us to monitor any mine water levels in the different parts on the mine workings to provide further assurance that mine water is free draining and not building up. This work is expected to take a further 4-6 weeks to complete and is being undertaken within the farm and woodland so should not cause any disturbance to local residents.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now completing the final garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (30 September 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week work has continued on the garage and wall of number 1 Goshen Park and this work will be completed on 7 October. BT have been delayed on repositioning their services this will be complete 2 October.

Works on the Highlands

Western Power have now completed the work to reconnect their services. This is means that the initial investigations to identify the location of services in the road will commence next week from 3 October. Temporary traffic management will be in place on the Highlands when our works recommence and any affected residents will be notified by our teams on site. Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 13 October 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now completing the final garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (16 September 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week we have completed the reinstatement of the footpath alongside the boundary wall of 1 Goshen Park and this is now open. BT are now working on repositioning their services and this will be complete 18
Next week work will continue on the garage and wall of number 1 Goshen Park. A tower scaffold will be on site to finish off this work which will be completed on 7 October.

Works on the Highlands

The initial investigations to identify the location of services in the road has been paused to allow Western Power to complete their re-connections. Western Power have confirmed this work will be completed by 30 September and during this time, temporary traffic management may be in place. Our investigation work will continue once Western Power connections have been completed. Temporary traffic management will be in place on the Highlands when our works recommence and any affected residents will be notified by our teams on site. Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 29 September 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now completing the final garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule.
If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (2 September 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week we have continued reinstating the boundary wall and garage for 1 Goshen Park. This work was expected to complete on 2 September but has been delayed due to BT repositioning their services. Next week we will focus our efforts on reinstating the pedestrian footpath alongside the boundary wall of 1 Goshen Park. This will allow us to reopen the pedestrian footpath on Friday 9 September and to remove the 3-way traffic management on the junction.

Works on the Highlands

The initial investigations to identify the location of services in the road is underway and will continue until 16 September. Following this, work will commence to construct the new separate underground pipeline for the mine water management system.
Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 15 September 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now completing the final garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has returned from annual leave and been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries.
You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Council's website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.


Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (18 August 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

The works to reinstate the garden, boundary wall and garage of number 1 Goshen Park have been delayed due to the exceptional hot weather. We are currently reviewing the plan of works and anticipate these will be completed by 2 September 2022. Advance notice of proposed works on the Highlands As advised in our briefing on 4 August 2022, phase 2 works for the new separate underground pipeline for the mine water management system will begin next Monday, 22 August. They will commence with initial investigations to identify the location of services in the road so that the correct route for the pipeline can be established.
Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 1 September 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now nearing completion of the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been on annual leave. She will return on Monday 29 August. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (4 August 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week we have been doing work in the garden of number 1 Goshen Park and continued reinstating the boundary wall and garage for 1 Goshen Park. The brickwork for the garage will be complete on Friday 10 August.

Advance notice of proposed works on the Highlands

As outlined at residents meetings, phase 2 works will shortly commence for the new separate underground pipeline for the mine water management system. This pipeline will run from the existing connection at the junction of the Highlands/Drummau Road, down the Highlands and connect into the watercourse to the south of the railway line. Where possible, the pipeline will be constructed outside of the road, within the verge area. This work will begin week commencing 22 August and will start with initial investigations to identify the location of services in the road so that the correct route for the pipeline can be established.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 18 August 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now nearing completion of the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (Thursday 4 August)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week we have been doing work in the garden of number 1 Goshen Park and continued reinstating the boundary wall and garage for 1 Goshen Park. The brickwork for the garage will be complete on Friday 10 August.

Advance notice of proposed works on the Highlands

As outlined at residents meetings, phase 2 works will shortly commence for the new separate underground pipeline for the mine water management system. This pipeline will run from the existing connection at the junction of the Highlands/Drummau Road, down the Highlands and connect into the watercourse to the south of the railway line. Where possible, the pipeline will be constructed outside of the road, within the verge area. This work will begin week commencing 22 August and will start with initial investigations to identify the location of services in the road so that the correct route for the pipeline can be established.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 18 August 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now nearing completion of the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (22 July 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

We reopened the Goshen Park/Drummau Road junction on 7 July, and as previously advised, have now closed the temporary vehicle access at the top of Goshen Park.
This week we have started work on reinstating the boundary wall and garage for 1 Goshen Park and to allow these works the temporary footpath through 1 Goshen Park has now been closed. Alternative temporary pedestrian access is in place on the road, as well as temporary traffic lights. Both of these will remain in place to allow a safe working and pedestrian environment whilst the boundary wall is reinstated. Once this work has been completed, the original pathway will reopen.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 4 August 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now nearing completion of the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (7 July


Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

We have received some concerns from residents’ that the width of Drummau Road into the Goshen Park entrance is narrower than it was before. We have worked with NPT Highways to ensure that the kerb line has been reinstated as it was originally. This has been checked against the original pre site works topographical survey drawings. We can reassure residents that the kerb alignment is correct and the width of Drummau Road remains unchanged.

We have now completed the road resurfacing on the Goshen Park and Drummau Road junction. We are finishing the road markings today and the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction will reopen tomorrow morning (8 July). Following this, the temporary road access currently in place between 36 and 37 Goshen Park will close. Temporary traffic lights will remain in place whilst the boundary wall around number 1 Goshen Park is reinstated, to allow a safe working space.

Next week we will commence work on the brickwork for the boundary wall and the garage at number 1 Goshen Park. The designs for both of these were voted for by residents in May 2021. Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 21 July 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are now nearing completion of the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule.

If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (23 June 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

We have now completed the reinstatement of the kerb line on the Goshen Park and Drummau Road junction. Due to delays with BT Openreach and works to strengthen the BT pole on the junction, Western Power have been unable to install the cabling equipment for the below ground replacement services and substation. Western Power will now commence work on the installation of the cables on 24 June. As a result, our work to resurface the road on the junction and reopen the road as planned on 27 June has had to be delayed.

This means the work to reinstate the road surface will now start on 4 July and complete 8 July. During this time, the road will need to be closed between 8.45am - 4.30pm and diversions will be in place (afternoon reopening times will be weather dependent and therefore may be subject to change). We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will be doing our best to minimise this.

Once this work is complete, the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction will reopen on 8 July at which point the temporary road access currently in place between 36 and 37 Goshen Park will close. Temporary traffic lights will remain in place whilst the boundary wall around number 1 Goshen Park is reinstated, to allow a safe working space.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 7 July 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are continuing to make good progress with the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (16 June 2022)

Dear resident,

We are writing to inform residents that BT Openreach contractors will be working on site at the junction on Goshen Park/ Drummau Road this Sunday 19 June. BT will be undertaking works to strengthen the BT pole which will enable Western Power to complete the remaining cabling work. This work will be restricted between the hours of 8am – 5pm. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this work please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150 or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (9 June 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week Western Power continue to install the cabling equipment for the below ground replacement services and substation. Next week work will commence to reinstate the kerb line and road surface on the junction.
Once this work is complete, the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction will reopen on 27 June at which point the temporary road access currently in place between 36 and 37 Goshen Park will close. Temporary traffic lights will remain in place whilst the boundary wall around number 1 Goshen Park is reinstated, to allow a safe working space.
Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 22 June 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are continuing to make good progress with the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has returned from annual leave and has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries.
You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (26 May 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

We have now completed the below ground ducting for the replacement Western Power cables and the foundation work for relocating the substation, to its original position in the garden of number 1 Goshen Park.

Western Power will now commence work on the installation of the cables week commencing 6 June. As a result, our work reinstating the kerb line and road surface on the junction has had to be delayed from 23 May and will be now start week commencing 13 June.

Following this the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction will reopen on 27 June at which point the temporary road access currently in place between 36 and 37 Goshen Park will close. Temporary traffic lights will remain in place whilst the boundary wall around number 1 Goshen Park is reinstated, to allow a safe working space.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 9 June 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are continuing to make good progress with the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries. Next week Melanie will be on annual leave and will return on Monday 6 June.
You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (12 May 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

We have been making good progress on the below ground ducting for the replacement services route for the Western Power cables and this work will be completed next week. Work on reinstating the kerb line and road surface on the junction will then begin on week commencing 23 May.
We have now received plans back from Western Power for the replacement substation. This will be built in its original position in the garden of number 1 Goshen Park and the foundations will be installed week commencing 23 May.

Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 26 May 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

We are continuing to make good progress with the remaining garden reinstatement works for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries.
You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (14 April 2022)

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week, we have completed the excavation to treat the remaining part of the Goshen Park junction. Next week work will start on the ground preparation for the garage at number 1 Goshen Park and the below ground ducting to receive the new Western Power cables. This work will continue for the next few weeks.
The onsite construction team will not be undertaking any planned works this weekend.
Our next briefing will be issued on Thursday 28th April 2022

Garden reinstatement work

The remaining garden reinstatement works is now underway for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

Melanie is on annual leave this week and will return Tuesday 19 April.
Melanie works Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.

Update for Skewen Residents from the Coal Authority (31 March 2022)

Temporary road closure Highland Close/Drummau Road – Tomorrow (Friday 1st April 2022)

As you may have seen from onsite signage, Drummau road will need to be closed briefly tomorrow (Friday 1st April) to allow us to do final works on one of the manhole chambers close to the junction of Highland close and Drummau road. To minimise disruption, it will be closed from 9am and the works will be completed and the road reopened by 1pm.

Work at the Goshen Park / Drummau Road junction

This week the concrete has been poured for the slab inside the excavation and we are safely backfilling the excavation to treat the remaining part of the Goshen Park Junction. These are the final stages of the below ground works and will continue next week.
The onsite construction team will not be undertaking any planned works this weekend.

Fortnightly Updates

In our update of 17 March, we let residents that know we will now be issuing updates fortnightly, rather than weekly as we reach the final stages of our work. Our next briefing will be Thursday 14 April 2022.

Garden reinstatement work

The remaining garden reinstatement works has now started for those residents who have pre-agreed garden work in their schedule. If you have questions regarding your schedule, please contact our residents’ helpline or email customerservice@coal.gov.uk

Community Liaison

This week Melanie has been out and about on site speaking with residents about their queries.
Melanie works Monday afternoon and Wednesday morning. You can make an appointment to meet Melanie in person or arrange a socially distanced visit at your home by booking a specific time with our Skewen Residents’ Helpline 9am-5pm on 0800 2884268. If you need assistance at other times please contact our residents’ helpline or speak to our onsite operational team.

Future communication and useful contacts

We will continue to send weekly briefings directly to affected residents via email and publish them on Neath Port Talbot Council’s website.

  • Read previous updates, information and FAQs on Neath Port Talbot Councils website at https://www.npt.gov.uk/skewen
  • If you have any queries regarding your electricity supply, please contact Western Power Customer Services on 0800 096 3080 or visit their website 
  • If you have any queries on drainage works please contact Neath Port Talbot Council on 01639 686868.
  • If you have any queries regarding BT Services please contact BT Customer Services on 0800 800150.
  • Access the Coal Authority interactive map viewer
  • To support discussions with insurance and mortgage companies, please contact our Residents’ Helpline on 0800 2884 268.
  • View the Coal Authority’s Policy on Skewen Flooding Response Support here.