myNPT gives you access to our services without having to pick up the phone, write to or visit us.
With myNPT, you can access popular council services anytime, making it easy to get what you need, when you need it.
If you have already registered for an account, you can sign in using your email address and password.
my Account
Why sign up?
- Access some of our most popular council services 24/7
- Save time with auto-completion of your details when filling out forms
- Access a wide range of council services
Registering is quick and easy with your email address.

Take a closer look

my Self Service
You can track and view the status of your recent cases
- Report problems
- Make a payment, complaint or compliment
- Enjoy auto-completion of your details when filling out forms
my Services
You can access a wide range of council services
- View your bin collection days and sign up for email reminders
- Track the status of your recent cases
- Find details about your local Councillor

my Services
You can access a wide range of council services
- Update your personal details
- View your Council Tax information
- Access your child’s school information, including term dates and inset days