Case Assessment and Progression (CAP) team
The Case Assessment and Progression (CAP) team aim to work with pupils who are already open to more than one support agency and are at potential risk of:
- future exclusion from school
- disengagement
- poor attendance
- becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training)
- all of the above
The team intends to provide intervention as early as possible to reduce the risks and support pupils in achieving positive outcomes.
The CAP officers will look to meet with the school, family and young person to better understand what the current situation is and where any barriers to success lie.
The team will then work with the school, family, young person and other service providers and agencies, both internal and external to the council, in order to remove those barriers to provide a coordinated and collective approach.
Transition workers
Our team also includes transition workers who support children into school.
This may be following a:
- permanent exclusion
- move into the area
- change in a Child Looked After (CLA) placement
Tuition co-ordinator
There is also a tuition coordinator who puts packages of tuition in place for: pupils out of school for an extended time following exclusion, children with specific medical issues and hard-to-place pupils to help them to become ‘school ready’ when a place is identified.