Warm Hubs Grant 2024-2025
The Welsh Government has given the Council funding to help organisations provide Warm Hubs.
Warm Hubs are public spaces or buildings which people can use to keep warm and safe.
Each warm space offers a range of services. These may include Wi-Fi access, toilet facilities and refreshments.
In total, Welsh Government has allocated £79,982 to support Warm Hubs in Neath Port Talbot.
We suggest that applications are for up to £2,285.
We will assess each application on its merits and in context of provision across Neath Port Talbot.
Any monies allocated will need to be spent by 31st March 2025.
You can spend the funding on things like:
- provision of refreshments, snacks and if relevant to the location more substantive meals
- extra expenses associated with extending the opening hours of existing facilities
- contributions to heat and light if facilities are opened specifically
- extra costs relating to cleaning costs or waste removal (for example, community halls)
- facilities for charging mobile phones / IT equipment
- small items such as kettles, cups, plates etc.
- enrichment items/activities
- transport to/from Warm Hubs - depending on local need
- volunteer costs
- raising awareness/promotion of Warm Hubs
This list is not exhaustive.
- charitable or voluntary organisations
- those with charitable objectives
- not-for-private-profit organisations
The purpose of the funding is to support the provision of safe and warm spaces in the local community.
The funding should be used:
- to support Warm Hubs/Spaces
- to support the people who attend them
- for any extra expenses associated with your Warm Hub / Spaces
We will assess all applications against the criteria below. You will need to show:
- organisational status / charitable objectives
- that the funding will address the funding criteria
- number of beneficiaries
- accessibility and equal opportunities
- full financial breakdown of the funding requested
Your application may be ineligible or delayed if you don't provide all the required information.
Please return the completed application form and all supporting documents to the following email: communityfoodconnections@npt.gov.uk