Compliments and complaints
We want to provide good quality services for everyone whether they live, work in or are visiting Neath Port Talbot. We would like to know what you think about our services and facilities.
Make a comment, compliment or complaint
If you want to tell us about any of our services and/or facilities:
- use our contact form
- ask the person you are in contact with for a copy of the comments, compliments and complaints form. If you are making a complaint, tell them you want your complaint dealt with formally
- come and see us in person at Customer Services in Neath and Port Talbot
- phone us on 01639 686868 or on our Welsh language telephone line 01639 686869
- write us a letter
We welcome correspondence in either English or Welsh.
How we deal with complaints
An effective complaints-handling process should be:
- complainant focused
- simple
- fair & objective
- timely & effective
- accountable
- committed to continuous improvement
We will aim to resolve an initial complaint on the spot. Where this is not the case the manager of the service will investigate the complaint. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, the complaint will be referred to a Complaints Officer.
You can also complain to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales at any time. Before you contact the Ombudsman they expect you to have:
- raised the matter with the body concerned, and
- given them a reasonable opportunity to investigate and respond
How long it will take to resolve your complaint
If we cannot resolve your complaint on the spot we will look into it. You will hear from us within 10 working days.
If a Complaints Officer needs to look at your complaint you will hear from us within 20 working days.
If any deadlines cannot be met we will keep you informed and give you a new date.
Comments, compliments and complaints policy
If you have a complaint about a school contact the headteacher or governors of that school.