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Pay an invoice

We issue invoices for goods or services that incur a charge.

Your invoice will specify the service charged. If you have any questions, please call the number on your invoice.

All payments take a minimum of 2 working days to show on your account. For payments over £5,000 please pay via bank transfer.

How to pay

You can pay an invoice in many ways:


You can pay online with your credit or debit card anytime:

Bank transfer

Transfer the fee to the following account:

  • account name - Neath Port Talbot CBC
  • sort code - 09 07 20
  • account number - 04368002
  • bank - Santander Bank, Bridle Road, Bootle, Merseyside, L30 4GB
Please quote the invoice number as the reference.

Automated telephone service;

You can pay over the phone with your credit or debit card anytime by:

  1. calling - 0161 622 6919.
  2. selecting - option 3 'sundry debtors'.

You will receive a receipt number on completion of the transaction.

Direct Debit

If you receive a regular invoice for ongoing services, it may be possible to pay by Direct Debit. You can do this online:

Direct Debits are taken on the 28th of the month.

Standing order

If you would prefer to pay on a date other than the 28th of the month, you can contact your bank to set up a standing order.


Please write your invoice number on the back of the cheque.

Cheques should be made payable to 'Neath Port Talbot Council' and sent to:

Neath Port Talbot Council
Civic Centre Port Talbot Neath Port Talbot SA13 1PJ pref

Post Office

There is a barcode at the top of your invoice which allows you to pay at a Post Office.

Useful information


Remittances should be emailed to

Payment difficulties

If you are unable to pay your invoice in full, we may be able to offer you a repayment plan.

Not all invoices are eligible for a repayment plan.

Please contact us to discuss your invoice:

Miscellaneous Income section
(01639) 686 842 (01639) 686 842 voice +441639686842

Request a copy invoice

If you require a copy of an invoice, please contact:

Miscellaneous Income section
(01639) 686 842 (01639) 686 842 voice +441639686842

Queries and disputes

If you feel the invoice you have received is incorrect, call the contact number on your invoice.

You should inform the Council of your dispute immediately.

Recovery action

Unless stated otherwise, payment of your invoice is due immediately.

We will take recovery action on unpaid invoices that may include:

  • referral to an external debt collection agency
  • issuing of county court proceedings

This could increase the amount you owe.

Commercial debts

When an invoice is overdue, we have a statutory right under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 to claim:

  • interest
  • compensation
  • reasonable debt recovery costs