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Tata transition business support

Supply Chain Transition Fund

The Supply Chain Transition Fund is available to those businesses that are reliant on Tata Steel for more than 30% of their turnover.

Grants of £2,500 to £300,000 covering both capital and revenue are available to support supply chain businesses and other contractors throughout Wales affected by Tata Steel’s decision to transition to greener steelmaking.

Employment and Skills Fund

Grants of £1,000 up to £20,000 are available to help Tata Steel and other workers in the supply chain across Wales affected by the transition to support retraining or the learning of new skills for the employment market.

Business Start-Up Fund

Grants of up to £50,000 to support affected individuals in the Tata Steel UK supply chain and Tata Steel UK employees (including direct family members living within the same household) that:

  • want to start their own business or become self-employed
  • may already be running a small/early stage business

There will be a partnership approach to delivering start-up support, with Neath Port Talbot Council administering the grant fund and Welsh Government’s Business Wales service providing advice and other specialist support.

The grant is yet to be launched but if you are considering starting a new business, self-employment or are already operating a small business, email Business Wales on or visit so you can start receiving advice and register for the grant.

Business Resilience Fund

To support local businesses and other contractors based in Neath Port Talbot who are not eligible to apply for support from the Supply Chain Transition Fund but are expected to be impacted by the transition at the Tata Steel site in Port Talbot. This will include none-repayable grant funding of £2,500 to £50,000 to cover both capital and revenue costs.

Register to receive information on the Fund once it is launched.

Prior to applying for grant funding, ALL applicants will need to complete a business review with Business Wales. 

Business Growth Fund

To support and provide capital and revenue grant assistance to help businesses, contractors and suppliers based in Neath Port Talbot to take advantage of growth, investment and diversification opportunities and create new jobs. The Fund will provide both revenue and capital grants between £25,000 to £300,000. Grants below £25,001 will also be considered on a case by case basis.

Register to receive information on the Fund once it is launched.