Supplementary guidance
Selective use of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is a means of setting out more detailed topic or site specific guidance on the way in which the policies of the LDP will be applied in particular circumstances or areas. While only policies in the LDP have special status in determining planning applications, SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration.
The Council has therefore produced the following list of SPG which it intends to produce and/or update during the course of the Plan period. For clarity, the LDP policy number which the SPG will further clarify is given along with an anticipated date of publication.
Upon adoption and implementation of the LDP it may become apparent that further SPG is required to clarify certain policies in the Plan. The Council therefore may need to issue additional SPG to those outlined in the table.
LDP Policy Reference | Policy Name | Supplementary Planning Guidance | Anticipated Date of Publication |
I1 | Infrastructure Requirements |
SPG: Planning Obligations |
Published: October 2016 |
SP5 | Development in the Coastal Corridor Strategy Area | SPG: Fabian Way Innovation Corridor |
September 2019 |
SRA2 | Harbourside Strategic Regeneration Area | Port Talbot Harbourside & Town Centre Development Framework SPG | September 2019 |
VRS1 | Valleys Regeneration Scheme | Park Avenue Development Framework SPG | To be confirmed |
AH1 | Affordable Housing | SPG: Affordable Housing | Published: October 2016 |
OS1 | Open Space Provision | SPG: Open Space & Greenspace | Published: July 2017 |
EC1 | Employment Allocations | SPG: Baglan Energy Park Development Framework | Published: October 2016 |
EN2 | Special Landscape Areas |
SPG: Landscape and Seascape Carmarthen Bay, Gower and Swansea Bay - Local Seascape Character Assessment (2017) |
Published: May 2018 |
EN6 | Important Biodiversity and Geodiversity Sites | SPG: Biodiversity and Geodiversity | Published: May 2018 |
EN8 |
Pollution and Land Stability |
SPG: Pollution | Published: October 2016 |
EN9 | Developments in the Central Port Talbot Area | ||
RE2 | Renewable and Low Carbon Energy in New Development | SPG: Renewable & Low Carbon Energy | Published: July 2017 |
SP20 | Transport Network | SPG: Parking Standards | Published: October 2016 |
BE1 | Design | SPG: Design | Published: July 2017 |
BE2 | Buildings of Local Importance | SPG: The Historic Environment SPG: Schedule of Buildings of Local Importance SPG: Schedule of Designated Canal Structures |
Published: April 2019 |
WL1 | Developments in Language Sensitive Areas | SPG: Development and the Welsh Language | Published: July 2017 |
SPG: Planning Obligations (PDF 2.83 MB)
SPG: Affordable Housing (PDF 2.76 MB)
SPG: Open Space & Greenspace (PDF 2.82 MB)
SPG: Baglan Energy Park Development Framework (PDF 4.73 MB)
SPG: Landscape and Seascape (PDF 5.29 MB)
NPT LANDMAP - Landscape Assessment (2004) (PDF 6.33 MB)
Carmarthen Bay, Gower and Swansea Bay - Local Seascape Character Assessment (2017) (PDF 24.57 MB)
SPG: Biodiversity and Geodiversity (PDF 3.71 MB)
SPG: Pollution (PDF 10.91 MB)
SPG: Renewable & Low Carbon Energy (PDF 10.49 MB)
SPG: Parking Standards (PDF 16.32 MB)
SPG: Design (PDF 8.77 MB)
SPG: The Historic Environment (PDF 8.07 MB)
SPG: Schedule of Buildings of Local Importance (PDF 15.70 MB)
SPG: Schedule of Designated Canal Structures (PDF 18.64 MB)
SPG: Development and the Welsh Language (PDF 5.55 MB)
Section 106 Obligations – Viability Assessment Guidance Notes
Where an applicant indicates that they are unable to provide the full affordable housing requirement on viability grounds, they will need to submit a detailed financial appraisal of the proposed development. For more information, visit the Council's webpage, Viability Assessments for Planning Applications