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Candidate Sites - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP)?

The Council has a statutory requirement to produce a Local Development Plan (LDP) for the County Borough. The Councils existing LDP sets out the scale and location of development in the county borough over the period of 2011-2026.

The Council’s RLDP will replace the existing LDP. The RLDP will help shape NPT for the next 15 years (2023-2038) ensuring the right development happens in the right place at the right time, benefitting communities and the economy and setting out which areas need to be protected.

What is the Candidate Sites Register?

The Candidate Sites Register (CSR) lists all the sites that have been submitted to the Council for consideration into the RLDP. The CSR combines the two Call for Sites mentioned above, as well as the Urban Capacity Study and is published alongside the Preferred Strategy consultation. This document is available to view here. This document also includes a summary of the assessment to date.

If a site is included on the Candidate Sites Register it does not mean that it is suitable for development. The inclusion of a site on the Candidate Sites Register does not imply a commitment to its suitability for inclusion within the RLDP.

What is a Candidate Site?

A Candidate Site is a site submitted to the Council by an interested party (e.g. developer or landowner) for potential inclusion as an allocation in the RLDP.

The site promoter has put forward the site for it to be considered and assessed as to whether it is appropriate to be developed for the suggested use in principle, subject to detail.

The site promoter wants the site to be developed at some point during the Plan period (2023 to 2038).

What is a Candidate Site not?

A Candidate Site is not a planning application. A planning application will still be required to assess the details of the planning proposal even if the proposer is successful in having the piece of land allocated in the RLDP.

What is the Call for Candidate Sites?

The Call for Candidate Sites is the first step in the preparation of the RLDP.

As part of the Call for Candidate Sites, the Council will invite site promoters to submit Candidate Sites for consideration.

The Call for Candidate Sites is an important first step in the Council’s evidence gathering process to inform future drafting of the RLDP. Site promoters will be required to provide suitable evidence to robustly demonstrate the sustainability, deliverability and financial viability of sites.

When can Candidate Sites be submitted?

New Candidate Sites can be submitted to the Council as part of the Pre-Deposit (Preferred Strategy) consultation. This will take place between midday 12th December 2024 and midday 6th February 2025.

Please note that due to the tight timescales involved, additional information will be required if you choose to submit a site to us at this stage. For more information, please see the 2024 Preferred Strategy Appendix to the Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and Guidance Notes.

What happens if sites are submitted after this deadline?

Sites which are promoted after this deadline will not be accepted.

What uses can Candidate Sites be submitted for?

Sites can be submitted for a variety of uses including, but not limited to:

  • Housing;
  • Employment;
  • Community facilities;
  • Tourism;
  • Green Infrastructure;
  • Waste;
  • Education;
  • Social care;
  • Gypsy and travellers pitch provision;
  • Retail;
  • Recreation;
  • Renewable Energy;
  • Biodiversity;
  • Transport Infrastructure;
  • Minerals; and
  • Protection.

Who can submit a Candidate Site?

Anyone can put forward a piece of land to be considered for inclusion in the RLDP.

Site promoters should however have the landowner’s permission as they will need to demonstrate that the proposal is deliverable.

What do we mean by ‘deliverable’?

Site promoters will need to demonstrate that the site is capable of being delivered.

In order to assess the site for deliverability, consideration will be given to the following. Whether:

  • The site is being presented in its entirety;
  • The site is in more than one ownership and whether all of the landowners are promoting the site for the type and scale of development envisaged?
  • The site is being promoted by the current landowner(s)/ on their behalf. Or whether the site promoter/their client has an option agreement or equivalent to purchase the site from the landowner(s);
  • There are any constraints to development such as ransom strips or covenants that are not in the process of being resolved/ removed;
    The site will be brought forward for development within the Plan period;
  • Viability information has been provided to accompany the Candidate Site submission); and
  • If the site is in public ownership, it has been identified in a published disposal strategy and/or through Council resolution if the land is to be retained/ sold by the Council.

Will existing site allocations automatically be rolled forward?

No. Sites currently allocated for development in the existing LDP which have not been developed will need to be re-promoted and more evidence will be required to demonstrate that the site will be developed over the Plan period.

Will sites promoted March – May 2022, or November – December 2023 need to be re-promoted?

No. Sites promoted as part of the first Call for Candidate Sites in March – May 2022 or as part of the 2023 Call for Candidate Sites or Call for Urban Capacity Sites in  November – December 2023 do not need to be re-promoted as part of this consultation unless it is for an alternative use.

Site promoters can however provide additional information.
There is however no need for site promoters to provide any additional information. Should the Council require any specific additional information, we will be in contact.

What information do I need to submit?

Site promoters will need to submit the following:

Residential and employment-led sites of 50 or more houses or 1.0ha+ are required to submit:

  • A high-level viability appraisal using the Mid and South West Wales Development Viability Model (DVM); and
  • An accompanying high level viability statement as part of the CfS - Site promoters should include the assumptions detailed within the Viability Guidance Document ,or provide supporting evidence to justify alternative values.

Residential and employment sites below the thresholds above will be required to:

  • Complete a viability questionnaire; and
  • Provide further information including a completed DVM and High Level Viability Statement later in the process as part of the Stage 2: Candidate Site Assessment..

Sites being promoted for other uses, should provide:

  • A proportionate amount of viability evidence, taking into consideration the assumptions detailed within the
  • Viablity Viability Guidance Document; and
    A detailed viability appraisal will be required later in the assessment process

Additional guidance can be found in our updated Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and Guidance notes and 2024 Preferred Strategy Appendix.  

Will all Candidate Sites be developed?

No. Not all sites promoted will be allocated for development in the final RLDP. The Council will assess the sites submitted taking into consideration identified needs and sustainability considerations, and potentially allocate a number of sites for development.

Sites which are then allocated will only come forward for development if a planning permission is granted and a developer wants to implement the decision.

What information is there available to help me submit a Candidate Site?

I do not have access to the internet, are these documents available in paper form?

Yes. The documents are available to view at the following deposit venues:

  • Neath Civic Centre, Neath, SA11 3QZ
  • Port Talbot Civic Centre, Port Talbot, SA13 1PJ and 
  • The Quays, Brunel Way, Baglan Energy Park, Neath SA11 2GG

The documents can also be viewed on publicly available computers in the libraries – please check the following website for information on libraries opening hours.

The documents are also available to purchase from the Council’s Planning Policy Team. If you would like to purchase a copy, please contact:

Planning Policy Team
(01639) 686 821 (01639) 686 821 voice +441639686821

What is the Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and Guidance Notes?

The document sets out the methodology the Council will use to assess sites and provides background information for the submission of Candidate Sites.

Ahead of the Preferred Strategy, an updated appendix has been produced to give an update on the assessment and outline requirements for any sites submitted as part of the Preferred Strategy consultation.

What is the Viability Guidance Notes?

The document provides:

  • Background information and evidence to aid the submission of viability appraisals and accompanying high-level viability statements;
  • Information on how to obtain a copy of the Development Viability Model (DVM); and
  • Fees required for copies of the DVM.

Viability Guidance Note

What is the Viability Questionnaire?

The Viability Questionnaire will need to be completed by residential and employment led sites of less than 50 dwellings and less than 1.0ha of employment land.

The Viability Questionnaire includes a series of questions which relate to the assumptions in the Council’s Viability Guidance Note. Site promoters are required to review the assumptions detailed in the Document and determine whether they would be suitable for the type and scale of development envisaged.

What is the High-Level Viability Template?

The high level template needs to be completed for sites providing 50 or more residential dwellings or more than 1.0ha of employment land.

The high level template provides guiding questions which are needed to be completed. Additional supporting evidence should be provided where relevant.

What is the Development Viability Model (DVM)?

The DVM is a regional viability appraisal tool. It is essentially a site-specific spreadsheet to detail anticipated costs and profit

Site promoters of sites providing 50 or more residential units or 1.0+ha if employment land will be required to submit a completed DVM.

To obtain a copy of the DVM the site promoter will need to email the Planning Policy Team on providing the telephone number of a person the Council can ring to take payment for the DVM.

The Council will charge for an initial site-specific copy of the DVM (each site is required to submit a separate site-specific DVM). The cost of this charge is outlined in the Viability Guidance notes.

The Council will issue the site promoter with:

  • A copy of the site-specific DVM; and
  • Instructions on how to use the DVM.

What is the interactive constraints map?

The interactive constraints map provides information on the following fundamental constraints:

  • Ramsar (Wetlands of International Importance)
  • Special Area of Conservation (SAC);
  • Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI);
  • National Nature Reserve (NNR);
  • Class 1 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC);
  • Scheduled Monument (SM);
  • Historic Park and Gardens;
  • Common land; and
  • Flooding 

What happens if my Candidate Site submission is incomplete?

Site promoters will have a responsibility to ensure that the information they submitted is comprehensively and accurately completed as sites which are not will likely be filtered out.

What does it mean if my Candidate Site submission has not passed stage 1?

Sites that are screened out at Stage 1 means that they are:

  • Too small (residential sites smaller than 10 units)
  • Overlapping with a fundamental constraint (such as a Scheduled Monument or highly vulnerable development within Flood Zone 3)
  • Not deliverable

For more information on what this means, please refer to the the Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and Guidance Notes and 2024 Preferred Strategy Appendix.

Updated evidence will need to be submitted to the Council if you believe that the information contained within the CSR is incorrect.

This can be done using the CSR Comment Form.

What does it mean if my Candidate Site submission has not passed stage 2?

Sites that have passed stage 1, but are filtered out at stage 2 means that they have not met the following criteria:

  • Viability appraisal
  • ISA Assessment and Candidate Site Suitability Assessment; and 
  • Engagement with infrastructure providers

For more information on what this means, please refer to the Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and Guidance Notes and 2024 Preferred Strategy Appendix.

Updated evidence will need to be submitted to the Council if you believe that the information contained within the CSR is incorrect.

This can be done using the CSR Comment Form.

Will the information I submit remain confidential?

No, whilst the Council may or may not choose to make all information submitted available (depending on the nature of the information/ its relevance etc.).

All information submitted will be subject to Freedom of Information (FOI) and/ or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests.

Will Viability Information Submitted Remain Confidential?

No. Following discussions with the Council’s Legal Team and the development industry, in accordance with national planning guidance (Development Plans Manual, Edition 3, 2020, Paragraph 5.95), the Council will apply an ‘open book’ approach to viability information submitted to ensure transparency of evidence.

How much does it cost to submit a Candidate Site?

Whilst it does not cost anything to promote a Candidate Site as part of the Call for Candidate Sites, residential and employment-led sites of 50 or more residential units or 1.0+ha of employment accommodation will need to purchase a copy of the DVM (See above).

Whilst not required as part of the Call for Sites, site promoters of residential and employment sites below 50 residential units and 1.0ha of employment land should be aware that if their sites are successfully filtered they will need to purchase a copy of the DVM.

As sites progress through the process, site promoters will need to provide more detailed information and supporting evidence and may wish to engage the services of a planning consultant.

Why do I need to provide all of the information on the Candidate Sites Submission Form?

Site promoters need to provide all of the information on the Candidate Sites Submission Form to help the Council assess whether the site is:

  • In a sustainable location (can be freed from all constraints, near to existing services etc.)
  • Capable of being delivered; and
  • Is viable

Can existing planning permissions be submitted as a Candidate Site?

Yes. Existing planning applications can be submitted as Candidate Sites.

What happens after I’ve submitted a Candidate Site?

What is the next stage?

The Council will consider all comments made as part of the CSR, as well as any new sites that are submitted to us for further consideration in the RLDP.

Once assessments have been undertaken and updated, we will then be in a position to identify sites to be allocated within the Deposit RLDP.

Further stages and guidance is contained within the Updated Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology and Guidance Notes and 2024 Preferred Strategy Appendix.

Who do I contact if I have queries about the RLDP or Call for Candidate Sites?

Please contact the Planning Policy team at Neath Port Talbot Council on the following contact details:

Planning Policy Team
(01639) 686 821 (01639) 686 821 voice +441639686821

How can I be kept informed about the RLDP?

If you would like to be kept informed about the RLDP, you can be added to our consultation database so that we will keep you informed of developments on the RLDP.

If you want to be added to our database you will need to tell us in writing and provide us with your contact details, name and address and if applicable email address.

It would also be helpful if you could tell us your language preference (i.e. whether you want correspondence in English or Welsh).

Please write to:

  • Post: Mr Ceri Morris, Head of Planning and Public Protection, Neath Port Talbot Council, The Quays, Brunel Way, Baglan Energy Park, Neath. SA11 2GG
  • Email: