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Fabian Way Innovation Corridor

The consultation on the Fabian Way Innovation Corridor Masterplan has now closed.

The draft Masterplan produced jointly by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and the City and County of Swansea was made available for public consultation from 1st December 2015 to 25th January 2016, at which time comments were invited from the public, businesses, landowners and any interested parties.

The draft masterplan

It sets out a joint vision of both Councils, to build upon a number of high profile developments, and support the development of a ‘knowledge economy cluster’ along Fabian Way. To facilitate this, the framework identifies development opportunities and guides future land use through a place making approach, coordinating regeneration of derelict sites, and identifying priority actions, with the potential to bring about long term improvements to the connectivity and infrastructure of the Corridor.


  • Draft masterplan (PDF 3.18 MB)

What happens next?

Comments received by both Councils have been collated and are available here.

In total, 40 representations were made during the consultation. All comments received are currently being analysed and amendments will be made to the Masterplan where appropriate.

In due course, comments and suggested amendments will be reported to a joint Cabinet board of relevant Councillors from both Authorities. Once the final Masterplan Framework has been approved, the document will be adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the Authorities’ respective Local Development Plans (LDP).

More information

For more information, you can contact the LDP Team direct either by telephone: [01639] 686821 or e-mail: